Sunday, 22 April 2012

More Donations

Since the last update there have been more donations sent in to our bank account, so another big thank you to the following people.
·         Austral Bricks – Blair Hickling
·         Metrotile Roofing – Harry Boxall
·         Aluminium Systems Ltd – Mark Fisher
·         Murray and Lyn Patterson
·         John Tarbutt

On an earlier blog the scope of our project work was discussed. It was originally intended that we would be able to fund 5 pairs of goats, however due to the generosity of many friends and business partners  the funds kept coming in and we were able to lift the tally to 10 pairs of goats. 

As the funds continued to build it was apparent that we could increase this further. Our contacts in Nepal asked if we would consider donating 5 cows. Cows are twice the price of goats, but the revenue they earn is greater. Of course we said that if that was what they required, then that is what we would supply. 

So currently we are at 10 pairs of goats and 5 cows – and still the funds are trickling in. It really is astonishing the snowball that has been created. So many people have developed a real interest in the value that they are creating for a group of unknown people so far away. I know that those unknown people will never forget the generosity that has been shown them from the other end of the world.

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