Friday, 13 April 2012

Project Update

With the departure date of the team drawing near, its time for an update on the work we will be doing when we arrive in Nepal and more specifically the Kavre area. The team will be participating in several projects as outlined below.

House Building Project 

The house building project involves helping to construct two new houses and help repair two houses. One of the villagers who has requested a house is a deaf woman with a new born child. The houses will be constructed using local building materials and the muscle from the Rotarians and villagers. The house repairs are to help fix damage caused by recent storms.

One of the villagers we will be helping
Goat Sponsorship

In addition to the house building and repair project, there is also a Goat sponsorship programme. This is to supply farmers with goats which they can use to produce milk and wool which can be sold to help earn money. The initial goal was to supply five pairs of goats, but with current donations it’s looking like we can supply 10 pairs of goats.

Bhuwoneswori School Donations

Finally we will also be donating stationary supplies to Bhuwoneswori school. This includes pencils, rubbers, rulers, exercise books and more for 300 children.
Ashok with some of the children we hope to help.

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